Roberto Aparici | Spain

He is part of the Academic Council of the UNED (National University of Distance Education), Dr. in Educational Sciences (UNED). Degree in Educational Sciences (UBA-Argentina). He is in charge of the Master’s Degree in “Social Networks and Digital Learning” (University’s own Degree), the Official Master’s Degree “Communication and Education on the Internet” in the UNED and he is the professor of dozens of papers related to the media. Professor Aparici is an advocate for public education, civil rights and social justice.

As a coordinator, he published different books, such as: Educomunicación: más allá del 2.0 (2010), Conectados en el Ciberespacio (2010), La construcción de la realidad en los medios de comunicación (2010), Comunicación educativa en la sociedad de la información (2003), along with Ángeles Diez and Fernando Tucho, Manipulación y Medios en la sociedad de la información (2007), with Víctor Marí Saez, Cultura popular, industrias culturales y ciberespacio (2003) with Agustín García Matilla, Lectura de imágenes en la era digital (2008) and with Agustín García Matilla, Jenaro Fernàndez Baena, Sara Osuna Acedo, La imagen: Análisis y representación de la realidad (2009). Links of interest:

Alicia Mabel Olguín | Argentina

B.Ed Alicia Olguin is from Salta and she has lived in Tierra del Fuego, Antarctica and South Atlantic Islands, in Argentina for thirty years . She is an educator. Spanish, Literature and Latin Teacher. She has a degree in Education Science. She has a diploma in Management of educational institutions. Also, she is specialist in Education and ICT and Initial Literacy.
She currently works as Rector of IPES (Provincial Institute of Higher Education) “Paulo Freire”

Teacher training Institution within which research and extension actions are also carried out. We have an academic magazine in which both students and teachers write about different experiences:

Among the main interests that it addresses from the perspective of communication, it can be said that digital literacy has been a Freirean experience in the context of the pandemic, especially for teacher training. She also actively participates in the Congress of Critical Media Literacy of the Americas. Furthermore, she permanently addresses and studies the original peoples and the permanent advances that are being made from these latitudes in this regard with the Selk’nam and Yagán communities.

Teaching in a didactic key is another of the interests that, from a critical perspective, takes Freire’s pedagogy as its north, but it is also common to cite and summon to our daily work the specialist in didactics, Dr. Jorge Steiman, who has been of great help to order and systematize many of our activities within the framework of the training institute. Another great Argentine specialist who has collaborated in our work has been and always is Mariana Maggio, Ph. in education.

Inés Gómez | Argentina

Teacher Training College No. 1. Higher Specialization in School Integration. Faculty of Humanities, Social Sciences and Health. National University of Santiago del Estero.
International Specialization: UCLA, University of California, Los Angeles. USA International FULBRIGHT Program. Postgraduate: Critical Media Literacy. National University of Tucumán (2019)
Inés is the head of a teacher training institute in the province of Santiago del Estero, Argentina. She has published “El nuevo Modelo Social, una L NUEVO MODELO SOCIAL, UNA EVOLUCIÓN DE LA CONCIENCIA COLECTIVA, Revista “Borrando Fronteras”, Nro. 33(Santiago del Estero, Junio 2018) Pág. Nro. 7
General Coordinator of 30°Aniversario,8 ° edición de ASPADI ( Asociación Santiagueña de Padres y Amigos de Personas con Discapacidad Intelectual) Santiago del Estero, Abril de 2021
Author of the Article “ La Vulnerabilidad de la Discapacidad en la Modernización Digital” Revista 30° Aniversario ASPADI , Santiago del Estero . Año 2021
Author of the Article “La gestión en tiempos de Incertidumbre” Revista 30° Aniversario ASPADI . Santiago del Estero.

Claudia Isabel Rodríguez | Argentina

Teacher of Primary and Preschool Education, Bachelor of Education with a focus on Institutional Management and Design, Coordination and Evaluation of Teaching, Higher Diploma in Social Sciences, with a mention in Education and New Technologies, University Diploma in Design, Management and Evaluation of Virtual Classrooms, Diploma in Digital Teaching and Educational Innovation.
Currently, she works as an Initial Level School Supervisor in the cities of Río Grande and Tolhuin, and a member of the Technical-Pedagogical Team of the Virtual Campus of IPES (Provincial Institute of Higher Education) “Paulo Freire”: She is part of the Executive Committee of the IV Congress of Critical Media Literacy of the Americas.
Main promoter of the institutionalization in the use of the Virtual Campus since 2010, collaborating as a member of the Department of Extension and Professional Teacher Development of IPES “Paulo Freire” in the implementation of academic proposals for permanent training aimed at teachers of all levels of the Education system.
“Aprendo en Casa” of the Ministry of Education, Culture, Science and Technology of the Province of TDF A. and I.A. S.
IPES Virtual Campus “Paulo Freire”,
In March 2023 she participated in the IV Congress of Media Education and Digital Competence sharing related experiences, held in Segovia, Spain.

Andrea Fabiana Oroza | Argentina

Born in the Autonomous City of Buenos Aires, she arrived in the city of Río Grande in 1989.
She is a Primary and Preschool Teacher, self-taught passionate about the knowledge, use and application of the tools offered by the new technologies that she disseminated in the schools and kindergartens in which she carried out her task first from her training task in the classroom and then from institutional management.
She currently works as an Initial Level Supervisor for the cities of Río Grande and Tolhuin.

Alfonso Gutiérrez Martin | Spain

He is Doctor in Education Sciences from the National University of Distance Education (U.N.E.D.) MPhil (Master of Philosophy) with the thesis on “Educational Television and Modern Languages” at the Institute of Education of the University of London, department of “Media Studies” Professor of New Technologies applied to Education and CAUN at the University of Valladolid. (Faculty of Education of Segovia). He has participated as an organizer, speaker and assistant in numerous training activities (courses, congresses, seminars, etc.) in Spain and abroad. Participation in numerous Spanish and international research projects. Director of the Chair of Educommunication and Disruptive Technologies. Links of interest

Sara Osuna Acedo | Spain

She has a PhD in Philosophy and Educational Sciences from the National University of Distance Education. She is a professor at this same institution of Communication and Education in the degrees of Pedagogy and Social Education and a specialist in digital technologies, educommunication models and virtual teaching.
She has the titles of University Expert in Free Software in Education (UNED), University Expert in Media Analysis, University Specialist in Integrated Communication Systems and Master in New Technologies integrated into the Knowledge Society.
She has collaborated with Latin American universities in different projects on Collaborative Learning and Communicative Models. Her lines of research are MOOCs, media convergence, digital scenarios, disability, digital learning and social networks. She has been the coordinator of the ECO Project (Elearning, Communication and Open-data: Mobile, Massive and Ubiquitous Learning), developed between 2014 and 2017, and in which 22 partners from nine different countries participated.
Sara Osuna Acedo has written more than fifty publications including books, chapters and articles in indexed journals. Among them, in recent years, the following stand out:
Osuna-Acedo, S.; Marta-Lazo, C.; Frau-Meigs, D. (2018)«De sMOOC a tMOOC, el aprendizaje hacia la transferencia profesional: El proyecto europeo ECO». Comunicar, 55
Osuna-Acedo, S.; Gil-Quintana, J. (2017) «El proyecto europeo ECO. Rompiendo barreras en el acceso al conocimiento». Educación XX1, 20
Osuna-Acedo, S.; Frau-Meigs, D.; Camarero-Cano, L.; Pedrosa, R. (2017) «Intercreativity and Interculturality in the Virtual Learning Environments of the ECO MOOC Project». Open Education: from OERs to MOOCs: 161-187
Osuna-Acedo , S.; Tejera-Osuna, S.M. (2016) «ECO European project: inclusive education through accessible MOOCs». Proceedings of the Fourth International Conference on Technological Ecosystems for Enhancing Multiculturality
Cantillo-Valero , C.; Osuna-Acedo, S. (2016) «Brumas y claros en el dibujo animado». Proceedings of the Fourth International Conference on Technological Ecosystems for Enhancing Multiculturality. Opción , 32, 7:333-357
Gil-Quintana, J.; Camarero-Cano, L.; Cantillo-Valero, C.; Osuna-Acedo, S. (2016) «sMOOC and Gamification–A Proposed Ubiquitous Learning». International Symposium on Emerging Technologies for Education: 507-513
Camarero-Cano, L.; Osuna-Acedo, S. (2016) «Intercreativity And Smooc. The Importance Of The Collective Intelligence In The ECO European Project». International Educational Technology Conference (IETC 2016): 443-452
Osuna-Acedo, S.; Escaño-González, C. (2016) «CMOOC: transitando caminos educomunicativos hacia el conocimiento democratizado, abierto y común». Revista Mediterránea de Comunicación/Mediterranean Journal of Communication …: 443-452
Marta-Lazo, C.; Gabelas-Barroso, J. A.; Osuna-Acedo, S. (2016) «Comunicación digital: un modelo basado en el Factor R-elacional». UOC

Jeff Share | U.S.A.

Jeff Share’s research and practice focuses on critical media literacy and environmental justice. He was an award-winning mass media photojournalist in Los Angeles, a bilingual elementary school teacher, and, since 2007, has been teaching at the UCLA School of Education. (University of California at Los Angeles). He is co-author of The Critical Media Literacy Guide: Engaging Media & Transforming Education. (

Andrea Gambino | U.S.A.

Dr. Andrea Gambino (she/her) earned her Ph.D. in Education from the University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA) in 2023. Her dissertation highlights how secondary teachers’ positionalities and exposure to multiple critical social theories guide their trajectories as social justice educators and their pedagogical orientations of critical media literacy.

Her research and practice draws on her experiences implementing critical media literacy as a tool for advancing social and environmental justice with secondary students in Raleigh, NC and postsecondary students at UCLA.

Andrea has also received Teacher of the Year twice in her home district in NC as well as UCLA’s Academic Senate Distinguished Teaching Assistant Award and the School of Education and Information Studies’ George Kneller Humanitarian Award. Andrea is an active co-organizer of the annual Critical Media Literacy Conference of the Americas, UNESCO DC-MÉT Symposiums, and the BLACK! Critical Media Literacy Conference (Founded by: Dr. Amina Humphrey).

Andrea is presently authoring a monograph based on her dissertation while serving as a Research, Design, and Instructional Coaching Consultant at the New Literacies Collaborative (The Friday Institute for Educational Innovation at North Carolina State University) continuing her work with teachers in the U.S. and China situating a Project-based Inquiry Global Framework (Spires et al., 2021) responsive to the United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goals for 2030.

Sócrates Magno Torres | Brazil

The educator Sócrates Magno Torres is a social scientist, member of the Paulo Freire Collective and visiting professor at FESPSP – São Paulo School of Sociology and Politics Foundation, where he teaches the extension course “Libertarian Education”, in addition to coordinating the NIP Collective – Nucleus Peripheral Intelligence. With a history of speaking of libertarian education, political formation in settlements, occupations, and public classrooms, Socrates is a poet in his idle hours, but only dreams in his busy hours.
Specialization in Economics: Strategic Management of Territorial Development – ECLAC – Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean, Universidad de Morón, Argentina
Art/Education Coordinator of 11 units of Fundação CASA – Socio-Educational Service Center for Adolescents, São Paulo
Guest Professor at UFG – Federal University of Goiás
Board member of IPAD/Seja Democracia: Institute of Thought and Actions in Defense of Democracy, Complexo da Maré, Rio de Janeiro, RJ

Natalia Verónica Algañaraz | Argentina

Educator in Geography at the secondary and tertiary level, passionate about critical education and the philosophy of Latin American liberation. Argentina, born in the province of Mendoza, settled 10 years ago in the City of Río Grande de la Provincia de Tierra del Fuego, Antártida e Islas del Atlántico Sur.
She currently works as a teacher at the IPES (Instituto Provincial de Educación Superior) “Paulo Freire” dentro del espacio de Geografía Social Latinoamericana.
Distance learning student Licenciatura en Geografía de la Universidad de Quilmes, de Buenos Aires.

Fernando Bordignon | Argentina

Professor adjunto (UNLu) e Professor Associado (UNIPE). Licenciado en Sistemas de información (UNLu), Magister en Redes de Datos (UNLP) y Doctor en Educación, Universidad Nacional a Distancia de España.

Lucila Dughera | Argentina

Assistant Researcher of CONICET. Doctora in Social Sciences (FLACSO), Master in Science, Technology and Society (UNQ) and Graduate in Sociology (UBA). Degree teacher at the Faculty of Cs. Social (UBA).
Contact information: e-mail:

Gabriel Kaplún | Uruguay

Communicator, Master in Education (CIEP-IDRC, 1994), PhD in Latin American Cultural Studies (UASB-Quito, 2008).
Full-time Professor of the Faculty of Information and Communication (FIC-Udelar) since 2015. He was Director of the Bachelor’s Degree in Communication Sciences (2008 – 2013) and of the FIC Institute of Communication (2013-2015). . Professor at Udelar since 1991. He has been a member in several periods of the assemblies of the Senate and the Councils of Udelar and the FIC and of various academic and management commissions and committees.
Coordinator of the AlterMedia research group (Media Alternatives) and the Observatory of Communication Professions, with which he works on media and communication policies, the world of work and higher education.
He is a member of the National System of Researchers of Uruguay (Level II), he was president of the Latin American Association of Communication Researchers (ALAIC, 2020-22) and previously vice president (2018-20) and scientific director (2014-18). He was a member of the Board of the International Association for Media and Communication Research (IAMCR, 2008-2012).
He is a member of the Academic Committees and has been a teacher and thesis tutor in the Master’s Degree in University Teaching (CSE-ASA/UdelaR) since 2006 and the Doctorate in Education (FHCE-Udelar) since 2017. He has been a teacher and thesis tutor in the Master’s in Information and Communication (FIC-Udelar) and in the Postgraduate Course in Organizational Transformation (FCEA-Udelar) since 2012. He has taught courses and tutored theses in other postgraduate courses in Uruguay and abroad. He is visiting professor at other European and Latin American universities.
He was a member of the National Digital Television Commission (2007), he chaired the Technical Advisory Committee for the Audiovisual Communication Services Law (2010), he was a member of the Independent Advisory Honorary Commission (CHAI) on commercial broadcasting (2008-2017) and a member of the Honorary Commission.
Advisor to the Audiovisual Communication Services (CHASCA) since 2017, representing the University of the Republic. He has been a member of the Editorial Board of the journal Integración y Conocimiento (Mercosur Educativo) representing Uruguay since 2017 and the international boards of several other academic journals.
He has been a consultant to social organizations, companies, governmental and non-governmental organizations, national and international, and a researcher on issues of educational, community, and organizational communication, health communication, communication policies, popular education, youth and adult education, higher education. , distance education, ICT and education.
Author and co-author of numerous articles and several books on these topics. Among the latter are: Courses and speeches. Communication and trade union training in Uruguay (1999), Education, communication and change (2002), Learning and teaching in Internet times (2005), Educating already was? Youth cultures and education (2008), Policies, discourses and narratives in communication (org. 2011), Violence is in others: the word of educational actors (org., 2012), Which radios for which communities? (ed. 2015), Live or Survive? Sustainability of media alternatives in Uruguay (coord., 2019), Research traditions in dialogue: communication studies in Europe and Latin America (coord., 2020), (Un)equal and (dis)connected: Policies, actors and Info-communication dilemmas in Latin America (part. 2021), Social networks and citizenship. Cybercultures for learning (part. 2022), They are coming. Young researchers in Latin American communication (comp. 2022).
More information available on the CVuy

Alejandro Artopoulus | Argentina

Professor of Technology and Educational Change at the University of San Andrés, of Science and Technology Studies (CTS) at the University of Buenos Aires, and Researcher at the CIC. Visiting professor at UdelaR (Uruguay) and at the National Pedagogical University (Colombia). PhD from the Open University of Catalonia. Specialized in sociotechnical transitions of information development, digital divide and applied computational thinking.

Gerardo Ojeda | México

Civil Engineer from UNAM, he studied film at the Sorbonne Nueva University – Paris III; PhD at Paris VII-Jussieu University; and is a doctor in Information Sciences from the Complutense University of Madrid. In Mexico, he has been general director of UPA, CONACULTA’s Audiovisual Production Unit; Advisor to the EDUSAT Project of the SEP; Director of CETE, Educational Television Training Center; Director of CETEC, Center for Studies in Communication and Educational Technologies and of the (ESAE) School of Advanced Studies of ILCE, Latin American Institute of Educational Communication. In Spain, he has served as Secretary General of both ATEI, the Ibero-American Educational Television Association, as well as ASECIC, the Spanish Association of Scientific Film and Image, and General Coordinator of the Ronda International Scientific Film Biennial. Founder of the National Sample of Scientific Images (MUNIC) of Mexico, in Ecuador, he was a Prometeo researcher in the radio and TV system of the National Assembly; and in Venezuela, advisor to the Presidency of Vive TV, an educational, cultural and informative public service television station of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela. He has been a professor of cinema, educational and cultural TV, audiovisual communication and information and communication technologies at various universities in various Ibero-American countries and a consultant in training and training projects in Argentina, Chile, Peru, Colombia, Mexico and Spain.

Independent professional who is currently dedicated to consulting on audiovisual and information technology and educational and cultural communication. He has been technical director of the UNED Audiovisual Media Center, general secretary of the Ibero-American Educational Television Association (ATEI) and general academic coordinator of the Latin American Institute of Educational Communication (ILCE). He was general secretary of the Spanish Association of Scientific Film and Images (ASECIC) and founder of the National Exhibition of Scientific Images (MUNIC) of Mexico. Civil Engineer from UNAM in Mexico and postgraduate studies in communication and cinema at the Paris III Sorbonne Nueva and Paris 7 Jussieu Universities and in the sociology of knowledge from the University of Tours, France, he has a PhD in Information Sciences from the Complutense University of Madrid, Spain; Since 1984 he has been responsible for management, technical and academic, teaching and researcher, in matters of digital convergence for purposes, uses and educational, cultural and scientific content in different institutions in Mexico, Spain and other Latin American countries.

María Mercedes Ruiz Casas | Spain

Teacher for more than 40 years and retired from direct teaching at the moment.
Licenciada in education with thesis presented in 2017 and directed by Dr. Ángel Pérez Gómez accessible at this link.
One of the coordinators at the Spanish Film Academy for the preparation of the framework document for Cinema and Education accessible in
Coordinator of the Film and Education for Audiovisual Literacy in Educational Communities project that is developed in Spain, horizontally, and opens up to the global community.
· Collaborator, from the beginning, in the European Robotics Week with actions at the level of Spain influencing the need for the A in the acronym SteAm and social inclusion with technology and robotics.
· Member of the Robotics movement for equality.
The curriculum would be summed up as a dreamer of dreams that sometimes come true.
Firm defender of practicing the way of living in society with the #ubuntu philosophy in code #soyxqsomos

Josémari Martinez | Spain

Josemari Martínez, a native of Madrid and born in the 1970s, graduated in Economics (Universidad Complutense de Madrid) and worked for twenty years in the financial sector and in consultancy.
In 2012 he decided to turn his professional career around and founded, together with three partners, the production company Calabaza FILMS.
Although in the beginning the apprenticeship was mainly self-taught, working on the Calabaza FILMS projects and collaborating with third parties whenever the opportunity arose, Josemari Martínez has completed his training with the following studies:
·Advanced Management (ECAM)
·Film script (UNED)
·Film script with Yolanda Barrasa and Eliseo Altunaga, organized by the SGAE
·Direction of Actors with Carla Calparsoro, organized by the SGAE
·Direction of Actors with María Ripoll, organized by the SGAE
·Directing Actors with Natalia Mateo (two courses)


Juan Antonio Simarro | Spain

Composer, pianist and music producer for theater, ballet, film and television. Bachelor of Teaching in the specialty of Musical Education.
His compositions and interpretations have an enthusiastic, vital and positive character.
Its main objective is to bring music closer to people, so that everyone can learn and play an instrument.
For this reason, together with Mago More, he has created the course “Learn piano at once”, teaching everyone to express ourselves on the piano in a simple and fun way.
As a communicator, he is the presenter of “Clásicos y Reverentes”, the classical music program on La2 de TVE and a collaborator on the cultural program “La aventura del saber”.
Thanks to his “Sinfonía por un mundo mejor mejor”, premiered at the National Auditorium in Madrid and endorsed by FECU-UNESCO and Rotary Club Internacional, with images provided by GREENPEACE, he has been named official composer of the Beverly Hills Symphony and the Orchestra Lisbon Philharmonic.
His composition “Four chords to express myself. For sustainable development”, has been performed by the pianist Isabel Pérez Dobarro at the Nobel Peace Prize Forum, in Minneapolis and at Columbia University, New York, before members of the UN and Ministers of Foreign Affairs from different countries. countries.
Creative Spain Award 2019 and winner in the first world competition of “Composition for Peace Symphony Orchestras of The World” for his “Adagio for violin, piano and string orchestra”, Honorable Mention in the WPTA Argentina International Piano Competition or more than 50 awards for the best soundtrack for “Black Diamonds”, “May the end of the world catch you dancing”, “The Earth calling Ana”… He was the composer of the concert promoted by the Ibero-American Youth Organization (OIJ) , at the XXIV Ibero-American Summit of Heads of State and Government held in Veracruz, Mexico.
His works for TV, music producer and tours range from the corporate music of TVE on its 50th anniversary to the international tour with Julio Iglesias.
His compositions for the ballets “El Equilibrista” and “La Malaventura” (cd
recorded with the RTVE Orchestra and the City of Prague Symphony Orchestra), “Spanish
Swan” in Los Angeles, the suite “Cádiz” (performed, among others, by the Belarusian Radio Television Symphony Orchestra, and The Moscow State Radio Television Symphony Orchestra), “Adagio for violin, piano and string orchestra” for the National Ballet of Ecuador, “Amarga dulce” and “Sueño nº 3” from “Latente” (winner of various international contemporary dance awards) and “Always somewhere”, selected for the International Dansa Valencia festival, and “Vals feliz ”, commissioned by the Austrian Embassy in Spain.
As a composer of different styles, his “Tango para dos amantes” is tailor-made for the Spanish Rhythmic Gymnastics Team, which has obtained the silver medal in the European Championships and the Bronze in the World Championships.
The result of this project has generated the commission and upcoming symphonic premiere of the official music of the Spanish Olympic Committee (C.O.E.). Due to the success of the recent concert that he performed at the Tchaikovsky Conservatory in Moscow, he will repeat next season a new concert and his scores they will be part of the studio repertoire in Russia, the US and Spain. He has been in charge of putting music to the 75th Anniversary of UNESCO in Spain
organized by the Federation of UNESCO Centers (FECU), interpreting its “Overture for human rights”. To improve the performance of companies, he developed the conference/concert “Your company is an orchestra”, in which he raised problems and solutions thanks to his experiences with different orchestras, optimizing results in teamwork.
He has sold 25,000 DVDs in Spain, Germany, Great Britain and France with his educational video “Your class is an orchestra”, commissioned by the Macmillan publishing house. In addition, he has his own UkuleleBySimarro design, giving everyone access to an instrument small, affordable and easy to play. Recently he has just released several documentaries, such as “19” (with Luis Tosar, Belén Rueda, Imanol Arias…) or STARLITE 10 Aniversario, with whom he is composing the next 2, and has begun the creation of an opera that will premiere in December 2023.
Named for the second consecutive year as one of the 50 most influential Spaniards in the world of culture, according to Merca2.

Inmaculada Contreras Sedes | Spain

Drawing teacher with more than 25 years of teaching experience, and specialized trainer in the use of technologies applied to education, and researcher in the field of work with PBL and educational innovation. Participate in events related to ICT applied in the classroom. He understands technology at the service of methodology and as a tool to achieve equity and knowledge in our society. Collaborator in the Film and Education Project for Audiovisual Literacy in Educational Communities.
As a teacher, he uses plastic, visual and audiovisual language resources and the use of new technologies to find new forms of expression and creation.
Currently, she works as a Drawing teacher at the IES Sabinar, in Roquetas de Mar, Almería.

Eduardo Escudero de Zuloaga | Spain

Law Degree/MBA Audiovisual Business Management Business Director and partner of A CONTRACORRIENTE FILMS. Co-president of the Association of Independent Film Distributors EUROPA DISTRIBUTION

Vicente Alcañiz Miñano | Spain

Education Inspector (September 2020- Currently)
Territorial Area Management Madrid Capital. Ministry of Education. Madrid’s community.
Deputy Director General of Teacher Training (December 2016 – August 2019)
Ministry of Education and Research. Madrid’s community.
Director of the National Institute for Educational Evaluation (September 2015 – November 2016)
Ministry of Education, Culture and Sport. National Institute of Educational Evaluation.
Head of permanent evaluation area of ​​the education system (November 2012 – August 2015)
Ministry of Education, Culture and Sport. National Institute of Educational Evaluation.
Head of Studies at the Institute of Secondary Education. (September 2008-July 2012)
Ministry of Education. Madrid Province. IES Beatriz Galindo.
Coordinator of Professional Practices abroad. (September 2008-July 2012)
Ministry of Education. Madrid Province. IES Beatriz Galindo.
Secondary School Teacher. career official. (September 2002 – Currently)
Ministry of Education. Madrid Province. Industry: Education.
Job position: Professor of Business Administration Training Cycles.
Dates: September 1994 – June 2000
Qualification Obtained: Graduate in Economics – Graduate in Law Universidad Carlos III de Madrid
Main subjects studied: Economics of Education, Public Economics, Statistics, Administrative Law, Constitutional Law.

Flora Perelman | Argentina

She is a teacher, educational psychologist, PhD in Psychology from the University of Buenos Aires with a specialty in Education, Specialist in Writing and Literacy from the National University of La Plata.
She teaches in the Master’s Degree in Writing and Literacy at the National University of La Plata and in the Specialization in Literacy and Inclusion at the Center for Interdisciplinary Studies at the National University of Rosario. He has participated in various teacher training programs in the country and in Latin American countries.
He has directed research carried out within the framework of the University of Buenos Aires related to reading and writing in study contexts, exploratory reading on the Internet, adult literacy and critical reading of media news.

Fernanda Aren | Argentina

Bachelor of Letters and Specialist in Reading and Writing Processes from the Faculty of Philosophy and Letters (UBA). He is a teacher of the subject “Expression Workshop I”, Faculty of Social Sciences (UBA). Currently, she is co-director of the project FiloCyT FC22-084: “The teaching of critical reading of news in the classroom”, based at the Institute of Research in Educational Sciences, Faculty of Philosophy and Letters (UBA). He also works as a Specialist in Language Practices in the 2nd cycle of primary school in the Curriculum Operations Management, Ministry of Education of the GCBA, where he participates in the production of didactic materials.

Ludmila Vergini | Argentina

Bachelor of Letters, Professor of Secondary and Higher Education in Letters (University of Buenos Aires) and Master’s Degree in Writing and Literacy (National University of La Plata). He is a member of the project FiloCyT FC22-084: “The teaching of critical reading of news in the classroom”, based at the Institute of Research in Educational Sciences, Faculty of Philosophy and Letters (UBA). Currently, he works as a Specialist in Language and Literature in the Comprehensive Evaluation Unit of Educational Quality and Equity and in the Curriculum Operations Management (Ministry of Education of the GCBA), where he participates in the production of curriculum development materials.

Cristina Gil Puente | Spain

Doctors in Geology from the Complutense University of Madrid (2002) and Professor of the Didactics of Experimental Sciences area of ​​the Faculty of Education of Segovia (University of Valladolid).
His research is related to Science Didactics at different educational levels. The last five years he has focused on initial teacher training, formative-shared assessment in education and promoting the development of thinking in students. Member of the Teaching Innovation Group entitled #PENSATIC, recognized with an excellent rating by the University of Valladolid and awarded the 2020 Educational Innovation award from the Social Council of the University of Valladolid. It also has numerous scientific publications and participation in international conferences related to its lines of research.

Jimena Dib | Argentina

Doctoral student in Education (REQUESTS: UNTREF-UNLA-UNSAM). Principal Specialist in Reading and Writing Processes (UBA). Licentiate and Professor of Literature (USAL). Teacher in initial teacher training at the Normal School no. Writing of the National University of La Plata). She currently works as coordinator of the Language Practices teams of the Curriculum Directorate of the Ministry of Education of the City of Buenos Aires. She is the author of numerous didactic materials and curricular proposals on the teaching of reading and writing.
Jimena Dib | LinkedIn

Ruth Pinedo González | Spain

Doctorate in Psychology from the University of Salamanca (2008) and professor in the area of ​​Evolutionary and Educational Psychology at the University of Valladolid. He is currently developing his research work on the following topics: Application of Active Methodologies and Thought Strategies for educational inclusion in the classroom and psychosexual development and its impact on health in groups in social exclusion. He collaborates with Spanish and European researchers and has carried out research stays at the University of Glasgow (Scotland) and the University of Porto (Portugal). She is the coordinator of the Teaching Innovation Group entitled #PENSA_TIC, recognized with an excellent rating by the University of Valladolid and awarded the 2020 Educational Innovation award from the Social Council of the University of Valladolid. She is currently the director of the Center for Online Teaching, Training and Teacher Innovation at the University of Valladolid (VirtUVa). It also has numerous scientific publications and participation in international conferences related to its lines of research.

Vanessa Ortega Quevedo | Spain

PhD in Education from the University of Valladolid (2022) and Professor of the Didactics of Experimental Sciences area of ​​the Faculty of Education – Teacher Training Center at the Complutense University of Madrid. He began his research activity at the University of Valladolid in 2018. From 2019 to 2022 I enjoy a university teacher training contract at the University of Valladolid. She currently works as a professor in the area of ​​Didactics of Experimental Sciences belonging to the Department of Didactics of Experimental, Social and Mathematics Sciences at the Complutense University of Madrid.
His research is related to the Didactics of Science at different educational levels. The last five years he has focused on initial teacher training, formative-shared assessment in education, promoting the development of thinking in students and competence in change. climate. Several of these investigations are carried out in collaboration with researchers from other national and European universities.
He is part of the Teaching Innovation Group entitled PENSATIC, recognized with an excellent rating by the University of Valladolid and awarded the 2020 Educational Innovation award from the Social Council of the University of Valladolid. It also has numerous scientific publications and participation in international conferences related to its lines of research.

Susana Álvarez Álvarez | Spain

Doctors in Translation and Interpreting from the University of Valladolid (UVa) and professor at the Faculty of Translation and Interpreting at UVa since the 2006-2007 academic year. His main line of research is the application of new technologies to the teaching of specialized translation. In this field he has several publications and has participated in numerous national and international conferences, as well as in various research projects. Likewise, he has coordinated numerous Educational Innovation projects on the use of technological tools in university teaching, on competency-based assessment tools, as well as projects for the planning and design of MOOCs and virtual courses. For this last line of educational innovation, he received one of the second prize in the Educational Innovation Award from the UVa Social Council in 2016. This same award was given to him in the 2018 edition of the award for an innovation project whose purpose is to develop skills professionals in students to improve their employability. In addition, he has taught different teacher training courses at the university level on the design of TFG and TFM evaluation instruments, annotation and correction of texts in electronic format, teaching innovation projects, as well as workshops and courses on the use of digital tools, design of online subjects and social networks applied to university education. She has been the Director of the VirtUVa Center (Center for Online Teaching, Training and Teaching Innovation of the University of Valladolid) from September 2020 to April 2022, the date on which she was appointed Vice-Rector for Teaching Innovation and Digital Transformation of the UVa.

Jeannette Pacheco Campos | Chile

She works at the University of Santiago as a professor of Visual Arts, Interculturality.
Initial training Graphic Designer and Bachelor of Education, as well as a teacher of Visual Arts.
Subsequently, she has a Master’s in Latin American Art from UNCUYO, a Master’s in Communication and Audiovisual Education from the International University of Andalusia, and is currently a doctoral student of the Doctorate in Communication from the University of Huelva.

Jorge Pablo Fajardo Pozo | Bolivia

Master in Communication with Social Purposes – University of Valladolid (Spain)
Specialty in Graphic Design and Visual Communication – University of San Simón (Bolivia)
Diploma in Higher Education with a focus on Competences – Universidad Mayor de San Simón (Bolivia)
Diploma in Virtual Education applied to Habitat Sciences – Universidad Mayor de San Simón (Bolivia)
Degree in Social Communication – Universidad Mayor de San Simón (Bolivia)
Bachelor of Tourism – Universidad Mayor de San Simón (Bolivia)
current academic activity
Research Professor of the Institute of Social and Economic Studies of the Universidad Mayor de San Simón
Professor of the Graphic Design and Visual Communication Career of the Faculty of Architecture and Habitat Sciences of the Universidad Mayor de San Simón

Verónica Tobeña | Argentina

She is a Doctor in Social Sciences (FLACSO); Master in Sociology of Culture and Cultural Analysis (UNSAM); Degree in Social Communication (UBA); Researcher, Institute for Social Research in Latin America, Latin American Faculty of Social Sciences – National Council for Scientific and Technical Research; Professor (UNQUI). E-mail:

Catalina Echeverri es Gallo | Colombia

She is a psychologist and professor at the Pontifical Bolivarian University (Medellín, Colombia). She has a specialization in Clinical Psychology and a master’s degree in Psychology and Mental Health and a PhD in Social Sciences. He is a member of the Psychology Research Group: Subject, Society and Work and is interested in topics related to clinical psychology, contemporary subjectivities, digital technologies and social sciences. E-mail:

Esteban Azzara | Argentina

He has a degree in Sociology, National University of San Martín. Investigate issues related to youth and their link with digital technologies. E-mail:

Bruno Alberto da Silva Peixoto | Brasil

He is a Brazilian federal civil servant, researcher and academic, born in 1984. He holds a degree in Literature from the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro (UFRJ) and is studying a Professional Master’s Degree in Professional and Technological Education from IFRJ- Mesquita/RJ. During his graduation, Bruno specialized in the study of French Discourse Analysis. He also participated in the 56th International Congress of Americanists organized by the Institute of Iberoamerica at the Universidad de Salamanca, Spain, where he presented his graduation work: José Maria Arguedas in the Light of Discourse Analysis. Bruno is a defender of equitable education and aims to develop his career in international organizations of bilateral cooperation in the educational and technological field between Latin American countries.

Marcelo D. Krichesky | Argentina

Degree in Educational Sciences (Philosophy and Letters / UBA) Master in Social Sciences with a mention in education (FLACSO / Argentina) and Doctor of Education (Faculty of Philosophy and Letters, UBA, 2021) Thesis. School experience of re-entry to secondary education and Social Bond. (UBA/ Philosophy and Letters), Currently Ordinary Professor of Curriculum and Introduction to Sociology at the School of Humanities of the National University of San Martín (UNSAM). Teacher in the Master’s in Education and the Doctorate of said University. Researcher, teacher and director of the Specialization in Educational Policies at the National Pedagogical University (UNIPE). Researcher of the Evaluation Unit for quality and equity of the Ministry of Education of the Government of the City of Buenos Aires (UEICEE). Consultant for national and provincial government agencies. Numerous publications in magazines and books. Among his latest works is the text Educación Secundaria. Secondary education in the city of Buenos Aires. Contributions from the field of socio-educational research” EUDEBA, OEI (2018) and the text Pedagogies and Right to Education from Editorial UNIPE. Buenos Aires (2018). Among the research topics, there are educational inclusion policies and programs, changes in school formats and academic regime, their effects on the social bond. Currently his work is focused on the problem of COVID 19 and the pedagogical continuity in the educational system.

Víctor Vargas Filgueira | Argentina

Was born on October 8, 1971 in Ushuaia, Tierra del Fuego. He is a researcher of the Yagan culture, to which he belongs. Also renowned artisan, creator of rawhide gaucho pieces. He currently works as a guide at the Museum of the End of the World. He is the first Councilor of the Yagán Paiakoala Indigenous Community of Tierra del Fuego, created in 2014 and recognized by the Argentine State in 2021. The Yagán people. “My blood Yagán” is his first book. And he is already working on the second, which continues the story of his family and his community.

Eduardo Wolovelsky | Argentina

Biologist from the University of Buenos Aires. Teacher and essayist. He held management positions in publications related to the fields of science, technology and education. He developed different programs linked to the teaching and dissemination of science. He currently coordinates the Program for Communication and Public Reflection on Science at the Ricardo Rojas Cultural Center (UBA) and directs the magazine “Scholé” of the Higher Institute of Pedagogical Studies of Córdoba, Argentina.
Among his most outstanding works are: Illumination. Film narratives for a critique of politics, science and education (Biblos, 2013), The wonderful century. On the edge of the Great War. Memories of the last century (Libros del Rojas, 2016). Frankenstein. The great prophecy (Together with Tomás García Lavín, Owl, 2020). “M. Mildred and Montag” in Bradbury the Centennial Man (Catalpa, 2020), Impossible Obedience. The authority trap (El Zorzal, 2021).

María Angélica Del Estal | Argentina

Degree in Political Science, date: December 20, 2013. “San Juan Bosco” UNIVERSITY of Patagonia, Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences. Degree in Educational Technology Date: October 12, 2005. NATIONAL TECHNOLOGICAL UNIVERSITY.
Lecturer in LEGAL, SOCIAL AND POLITICAL CS. Date: June 30, 2000. I.S.P.R.G. in agreement with UTN.
Degree in EDUCATIONAL MANAGEMENT curricular complementation cycle UNTDF- 2023

Ninosca Carmen Bravo Villa | Chile

Professor of Differential Education, Mestre in Education with mention in Inclusive Management, Doctor in Transdisciplinary Research in Education. Academic and researcher of the Department of Diversity and Intercultural Education of the Faculty of Education of the Catholic University of Temuco Chile.
Participation in Research Projects related to the topic, recent award of the internal research project Profondecyt: “Inclusion/exclusion of Mapuche knowledge in the school system by educators and traditional teachers who work in rural schools located in Lafkenche territory”, context in which the presentation of This work is attributed.
Participation in national (Chile) and international scientific events with presentations on inclusion/exclusion, segregation in systematically violated minorities

Ariadna T. Lartigue Mendoza | México

Dra. in Critical Language Studies; He studied a Master’s Degree in Critical Language Education and a Bachelor’s Degree in Foreign Language Teaching at the Language Faculty of the Benito Juárez Autonomous University of Oaxaca (UABJO).
Currently, she works as Applied Research Coordinator at the UABJO Language Faculty, where she also develops as a subject teacher and thesis advisor at the undergraduate and postgraduate level. His academic interests are related to the areas of critical thinking, the incidence of new technologies in education, educational inclusion, qualitative research methodology, and creative and academic writing.

Miranda McKee | Canada

As a researcher, educator and curator, Miranda McKee has spent over a decade between Dubai, Abu Dhabi and Toronto developing exhibitions and public programs in collaboration with artists, art foundations, and government organizations. Her research examines the power of imagery as public pedagogy, with a particular interest in the problematic biases visually embedded within photographs. Her work is driven by a passion for arts and culture initiatives that provide meaningful platforms for community building. Miranda has an M.Ed. from Lakehead University and is pursuing a Ph.D. in Communication and Culture at York University and Toronto Metropolitan University.

Scott H. Moss | U.S.A.

Scott has worked in K-12 education for 30 years and in higher education for 20 years. He has taught at the elementary, middle, and high school levels. Scott currently works as an Instructional Technology Outreach Coordinator at the Los Angeles County Office of Education. Scott also works (part-time) as the Academic Program Director of National University’s Master of Science in Designing Instructional and Educational Technology (MSDIET). He is a Google Certified Innovator who has earned the Time Warner National Teacher and the Classroom of the Future Foundation’s Innovative Educator Awards. He received his M.A. in Educational Technology from SDSU and an Ed.D. in education from the University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA).

Nolan Higdon | U.S.A.

Nolan Higdon is a founding member of the Critical Media Literacy Conference of the Americas, Project Censored National Judge, author, and lecturer at Merrill College and the Education Department at University of California, Santa Cruz. Higdon’s areas of concentration include podcasting, digital culture, news media history and propaganda, and critical media literacy. All of Higdon’s work is available at Substack ( He is the author of The Anatomy of Fake News: A Critical News Literacy Education (2020); Let’s Agree to Disagree: A Critical Thinking Guide to Communication, Conflict Management, and Critical Media Literacy (2022); and The Media And Me: A Guide To Critical Media Literacy For Young People (2022). Higdon is a regular source of expertise for CBS, NBC, The New York Times, and The San Francisco Chronicle.

Allison Butler | U.S.A.

She is a Senior Lecturer and the Director of the Media Literacy Certificate Program in the Department of Communication at UMass Amherst where she teaches courses on critical media literacy and representations of education in the media. Butler co-directs the grassroots organization, Mass Media Literacy (, where she develops and runs teacher trainings for the inclusion of critical media literacy in K-12 schools. She serves as the Vice President on the Board of the Media Freedom Foundation. She is the author of Educating media literacy: The need for teacher education in critical media literacy (2020) and Key scholarship in media literacy: David Buckingham (2021) and co-author of the open-source text Critical media literacy and civic learning: Interactive explorations for students and teachers (2021) and The media and me: A guide to critical media literacy for young people (2022).

Ricardo Römhild | Alemania

Ricardo Römhild, University of Münster, Germany, Online Presentation Proposal at 4th Annual Critical Media Literacy Conference of the Americas
Ricardo Roemhild is a junior researcher and lecturer at the Chair of English Language Education at University of Muenster, Germany. He recently completed his PhD project on the use of ecomedia in the language classroom to cultivate global citizenship; his first book is due to be published with Palgrave Macmillan in January 2024. His academic interests include language education for global citizenship and sustainability, pedagogies of hope as well as critical media literacy in the English language classroom.

Franco Riquelme | Argentina

Formally, he is a teacher and has a degree in History. He currently teaches classes at the IPES Paulo Freire Institute and is doing a Master’s in Latin American Studies at the National University of Cuyo (Argentina, Mendoza).

Gabriela Romero Romero | Mexico

Master in Critical Language Education. -Benito Juárez Autonomous University of Oaxaca.
Graduate in English Language Teaching. – Benito Juárez Autonomous University of Oaxaca.
Research advisor at the Comprehensive Community High School 36, El Carrizal, Santa Cruz Zenzontepec, Sola de Vega, Oaxaca.
Promoter of Critical Literacy in Higher Secondary Education.

Miguel Ángel Molina | Argentina

Plastic artist of Wichi origin. He was born in Embarcación, Salta, Argentina and currently resides in Córdoba.
In 1984 he began to illustrate the stories and tales told by the ancient Wichis. Between 1986 and 1996 he studied Fine Arts at the National University of Córdoba.
In the 90s he revealed the art of Wichi weaving in the Chaco mountains of Pilcomayo and Bermejo. In these investigations he found the basis to formalize in art the existence of the various ancestral figures of the Yikas.
From 1988 to the present, he has exhibited his works in numerous and diverse areas and events, receiving awards and distinctions.
Miguel Molina rescues and recognizes the Wichi nation through his paintings. Its objective is to recognize Wichi women and ensure that what is classified as “craft” is considered art.

Alba Torrego Gonzalez | Spain

She has a degree in Hispanic Philology and a degree in Primary Education. Doctor in Pedagogy from the University of Valladolid with a thesis on critical media education and popular culture. She has been a Secondary Education teacher and is currently a professor in the Department of Educational Studies at the Complutense University of Madrid. He has coordinated Innovation Projects related to the construction of adolescent identity through popular culture. His lines of research are focused on discourse analysis in digital environments, digital competence and media education. Coordinates the Master’s Degree in Teacher Training in Secondary Education at the Complutense University of Madrid.

Leandro Marlon Barbosa Assis | Brasil

PhD student in Media and Daily Life (PPGMC/UFF) and Political Sociology (PPGSP/UENF) with a CAPES scholarship. Master in Media and Daily Life (PPGMC/UFF), Bachelor in Journalism and Bachelor in History. It is part of “educ@mídias” and “”, laboratories that operate at the intersection of media education, daily life and technologies. His current research focus is on the development of teachers for the integration of digital media in classrooms, under the lens of ‘Critical Media Literacy’, as well as the analysis of technology as an ideology in educational policies. Email:

Alexandre Farbiarz | Brasil

PhD in Design from PUC-Rio, Master in Education and Language from USP and Master in Design from PUC-Rio. Associate Professor of the Journalism Course and permanent professor of the Postgraduate Program in Media and Daily Life (PPGMC) at the Institute of Art and Social Communication (IACS) at the Fluminense Federal University (UFF). Coordinator of the research group Education for Media in Communication (educ@mí and the research group Design in Reading Subjects and Supports in Interaction (DeSSIn/PPG Design/PUC-Rio). Research in the areas of Communication, Design and Education, with an emphasis on discursive relationships, media and teaching-learning; working mainly on the themes: Critical Education for the Media, Media Education, Media Literacy, Educommunication, Distance Education, Games and Education, Gamification, Visual Communication, Speech and Language.

Lucas Lima Coaracy | Brasil

PhD candidate in the Postgraduate Program in Media and Daily Life at Universidade Federal Fluminense (PPGMC-UFF). Master in Postgraduate Program in Media and Daily Life at Universidade Federal Fluminense (PPGMC-UFF). Bachelor ‘s degree in Psychology from Universidade Federal Fluminense (2016). Member of the Education for Media in Communication research group –

Diego Castro | Argentina

He was born in 1966 in the city of Buenos Aires, in 1995 he settled permanently in the city of Río Grande, Tierra del Fuego.

His professional training was built entirely in public institutions, from the initial level, through the primary and secondary levels until completion at the university level.

In 1994, he obtained the title of middle and higher level professor conferred by the Faculty of Philosophy and Letters of the University of Buenos Aires.

Since 1995, he worked as a middle-level teacher and starting in 2010, he began to move to the tertiary level at the IPES “Paulo Freire”.

He was an integral part of the board of directors and general secretary of the Río Grande Section of the province’s teaching union -SUTEF-. From this organization he provided training courses to teachers, and was part of the staff of the union magazine “Territorio de Utopías”.

In 2017 he was part of the CFI (Federal Investment Council) team, which entrusted them with preparing the timeline for the city of Río Grande and Tolhuin.

At IPES “Paulo Freire” was appointed coordinator of the Geography teaching staff and together with other colleagues we carried out the research and exhibition work “Towards the Centennial of Río Grande.” Making it visible to discover and listen, to understand and comprehend the city through those social actors who have another perspective.”

Starting in 2022, I retired from teaching, without ceasing to participate in spaces for proposals and consultations, which the IPES “Paulo Freire” allows me to be part of.

Michael Hoechsmann | Canada

is a Professor in the Faculty of Education at Lakehead University. He is the Chair of the Media Education Research section of IAMCR (International Association of Media and Communication Research). His recent books include (multi-authored) The capitol riots: Digital media; disinformation and democracy under attack (Routledge, 2022), (co-edited) Education for democracy 2.0: Changing frames of media literacy (Sense/Brill, 2021), and (co-edited) The handbook of media education research (Wiley, 2021).

Bhargavi Kumaran | India

Recently completed a degree in computer science at the Vellore Institute of Technology in Chennai, India. Her research interests are situated at the intersection of data science, social justice and the social determinants of health. She was a MITACS research fellowship recipient at Lakehead University in the Fall of 2022.

Laura Pomerantz | Argentina

She is a scholar of Art History who in recent years has dedicated to investigate the artistic representation of genocides. She has a Doctorate in Art History (UNAM 2010), Master’s degree in Art History, with honorable mention (UNAM, 1997), two bachelor’s degrees from the Hebrew University of Jerusalem, in Art History, with honorable mention, and a Bachelor’s degree in Latin American Literature (Israel, 1985). He specialized in Contemporary Art and Genocide, Holocaust Art, Jewish Art, Mexican Muralism and Modern Mexican Art. Starting in 2012, she ventured into independent curating, holding exhibitions in Los Angeles and Mexico, among which stands out “Resistencia, en transito”, by Graciela Sacco (Bergamot Station, Santa Monica, California, 2013). SHe has been teaching in academic fields since 1998, participating and giving conferences in Mexico, Jerusalem, the United States, among others.

Noah Asher Golden | U.S.A.

Is an Associate Professor of Teacher Education at California State University, Long Beach and former literacy coach and English teacher in the NYC alternative education district. His research is grounded in literacy practices and identities, and is situated within critical and sociocultural approaches to literacies scholarship. He teaches courses on Secondary Literacies (including Critical Media Literacies) and Culturally Responsive and Sustaining Pedagogies.

Víctor Ullate Roche |

But in the end, I am left with the satisfaction of having achieved it.”
Since 2000, he has directed the Performing Arts section at the school, Scaena.
He has worked as an actor-singer-dancer for more than 20 years, impacting hundreds of thousands of students and viewers in film, theater and television.
He has co-starred in the country’s most important musical theater works such as “The
Beauty and the Beast”, “Cats”, “West Side Story” or “Singing in the Rain”, among others, and dance theater shows such as “Otello” or “Carmen”.
He has collaborated for companies creating a la carte shows as well as promoting products and motivation programs in different organizations.
He has been a member of juries and directed and presented television programs such as “Fama” or “Más que Baile.”
In his last business stage, Víctor focuses on the business world, designing and developing training and motivational programs.
“I like to help others from my own experiences.”

Amber Medina | U.S.A.

Amber Medina is in her fourth year as an educator in the greater Los Angeles region.She currently teaches fourth grade in an inner-city public school where she integrates critical media literacy and environmental justice education into her core curriculum. She holds a Bachelor of Science
degree in Environmental Policy and Planning and Master’s Degree in
Education from UCLA. She also works as a curriculum creator for the
non-profit SubjectToClimate, designing lesson plans for climate
action and environmental justice education.

Abelardo Ruiz Francisco | Mexico


Miguel Angel Ahumada | Argentina

Steve Macek | U.S.A.

Is Professor of Communication and Media Studies at North Central College in Naperville, IL, where teaches courses on media studies and the First Amendment. He is the author of Urban Nightmares: The Media, the Right and the Moral Panic over the City and has contributed chapters to several of Project Censored’s recent yearbooks, including, most recently, State of the Free Press 2023.

Robin Andersen | U.S.A.

Professor Emerita of Media Studies at Fordham University, Robin Andersen is an award-winning author, writer and commentator and has written and co-authored a dozen books. Her latest is Investigating Death in Paradise: Finding New Meaning in the BBC Mystery Show (2023). She is a Project Censored Judge and writes for Fairness and Accuracy in Reporting (FAIR).

Andy Lee Roth | U.S.A.

Is the associate director of Project Censored. He has co-edited fourteen editions of the Project Censored yearbook. In addition to co-authoring The Media and Me, a guide to critical media literacy for young people, his research and writing have been published in a variety of outlets, including Index on CensorshipIn These TimesYES! MagazineMedia, Culture & Society, and the International Journal of Press/Politics. He earned a PhD in sociology at the University of California, Los Angeles.

Amy Forbes | U.S.A.

Is associate professor of Journalism and Communication at James Cook University in Queensland, Australia. As a journalist, she worked across various media platforms producing news and public affairs programs for television in Manila. She was writer and co-publisher of Balitang Kababayan, the Philippines’ first daily online news outlet from 1995 to 1999. She is the author (with Gail Sedorkin) of Interviewing A Guide for Journalists and Professional Writers 3rd ed. published by Routledge in 2023.

avram anderson, MLIS | U.S.A.

avram anderson is the Collection Management Librarian at California State University, Northridge and a member and advocate of the LGBTQI+ community researching LGBTQ bias and censorship. avram is also co-author of The Media and Me: A Guide to Critical Media Literacy for Young People (2022) and “Censorship by Proxy and Moral Panics in the Digital Era,” in Censorship, Digital Media, and the Global Crackdown on Freedom of Expression. They also contribute to the Index on CensorshipIn These Times, and Truthout.

Lou Lahana Biography | U.S.A.

Dr. Lou Lahana, Ed.D is the Makerspace Coordinator at The Island School, a 3K-8th grade public school on the Lower East Side in New York City. For over 25 years, he has worked with students to create powerful art, craftwork, music, and films to affect positive change in their worlds. As a researcher, Dr. Lahana’s areas of interest include the intersection of technology, equity, and youth activism.  As an adjunct lecturer at The City College of New York, he focused on critical literacy and technology in the classroom for pre-service and in-service teachers. Visit to learn more about his middle school curriculum and view student artifacts.

Katherine Gajardo |

PhD candidate in the Doctoral Program in Transdisciplinary Research in Education. Master in Research in Social Sciences and Educational Innovation. Graduate in Education and Pedagogy. She works as a researcher and predoctoral contracted professor (UVA) at the Faculty of Education of Segovia at the University of Valladolid. Member of the PID of Inclusive Education of the same university and of the International Network of Researchers and Participants on Inclusion and Educational Integration (RIIE, UNAM). Her lines of research are related to the recognition of educational practices consistent with social transformation; teacher training for educational inclusion and the restitution of the right to Higher Education of marginalized groups in Chile.

Ana Fabiola Meza Cortés |

PhD candidate in the Doctoral Program in Transdisciplinary Research in Education. Master in Research Applied to Education. Graduate in Special Education and Psychology. She works as a researcher and predoctoral hired professor (UVA) at the Faculty of Education of Segovia at the University of Valladolid. Member of the PID of Inclusive Education of the same university. Her lines of research are teacher training for inclusive education and cooperation with families in educational processes.

Judith Cáceres Iglesias |

PhD candidate in the Doctoral Program in Transdisciplinary Research in Education. Master in Research in Social Sciences. Degree in Early Childhood Education. She works as a researcher and hired FPU predoctoral professor at the Faculty of Education of Segovia of the University of Valladolid. Member of the PID of Inclusive Education of the same university. His lines of research are associated with the transformation of socio-educational inequalities; teacher training for educational inclusion and the analysis of inclusive experiences of students diagnosed with Type 1 Diabetes Mellitus.

Luis Torrego Egido |

Doctor in Pedagogy. Teacher, Graduate in Philosophy and Educational Sciences, Graduate in Geography and History. Permanent Professor in the Department of Pedagogy of the University of Valladolid. Coordinator of the PID of Inclusive Education of the same university and member of the international project “Truth and ethics in social networks. Perceptions and educational influences in young users of Twitter, Instagram and YouTube. His lines of research are associated with innovation in education, inclusive education and university teaching.

Michael Anderson | U.S.A

He was born in Jamaica. He grew up in the northeastern United States (the state of New Jersey to be specific). He studies and researches the History of Black Education as a doctoral candidate at the University of California, Los Angeles. His work focuses on black teachers, history, pedagogy, and ideology in general. Her work examines the political economy of education across race, class, ethnicity, citizenship, and gender. She also studies, writes and teaches about critical media literacy and critical cultural studies in general. It strives to center collective movements, organizations, and individuals demanding a world beyond racial capitalism.

Amina Humphrey | U.S.A

Is a teacher, scholar, artist, and researcher. She has over twenty-five years of experience in race/ethnic studies, African American studies, visual and performing arts, gender studies, media studies, qualitative research/action research, culturally-responsive sustainable teaching and learning, curriculum/instruction, and special education. She is a Ford Fellow, Fulbright recipient (twice), and UCLA alumna. She was one of the first cohorts of graduate students in the late 90s to study critical race theory and education at UCLA in the Graduate School of Education and Information Studies/Social Sciences and Comparative Education Division.  And she is the founder of the BLACK!  Critical Media Literacy Conference:  Awareness!  Action!  Advocacy!  in the African Diaspora.

Tatevik Mamikonyan | U.S.A.


Tatevik Mamikonyan teaches in the Teacher Education Program at University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA). She obtained her Ph.D. degree from the Graduate School of Education and Information Studies (GSEIS) at (UCLA) with an emphasis on social science and comparative education. Her academic interests lie in the broad areas of social justice teacher education exploring the connections between science, math, computer science education and critical media literacy. 

Dr. Mamikonyan currently teaches a course on critical media literacy and computer science to STEM+CS teacher candidates at UCLA. She is engaged in research on the collective and social practices of engagement with information and communications technologies, including generative AI. 

Jayne Cubbage | U.S.A.

Is an associate professor in the Department of Communications at Bowie State University in Maryland, where she teaches in the Graduate Program in Organizational Communication within the Department of Communications. She is author of several edited works including, Critical Race Media Literacy: Themes and Strategies for Media Education, The Handbook of Research on Media Literacy in Higher Education Environments, and Developing Women Leaders in the Academy Through Enhanced Communication Strategies

Donna Alvermann | U.S.A.

Donna Alvermann is the O.C. & E.P. Aderhold Professor of Education, Emeritus, and Distinguished Research Professor, Emeritus, at the University of Georgia in Athens, GA, USA. Formerly a classroom teacher in Texas and New York, her research focuses on critical media literacies viewed through varying theoretical and philosophical lenses. She directed the National
Reading Research Center from 1992-1997. Among her authored, co-authored, and co-edited books, the following relate most directly to CMLCA (2023). Adolescents and Literacies in a Digital World; Reconceptualizing the Literacies in Adolescents’ Lives (3rd ed.); Adolescents’
Online Literacies: Connecting Classrooms, Digital Media, & Popular Culture
(2nd ed.); and Ideas that Changed Literacy Practices: First-Person Accounts from Leading Voices. She is a recipient of the Literacy Research Association’s Oscar Causey Award for Outstanding Contributions to Reading Research. Elected to the Reading Hall of Fame in 1999, she also is a recipient of the International Literacy Association’s highest honor, the William S. Gray Citation of Merit, and an Elected Fellow in the American Educational Research Association.

Ewa McGrail | U.S.A.

Dr. Ewa McGrail is Professor of Language and Literacy Education at Georgia State University. In her research, she examines digital writing, multimodal composition, and multimodal assessment; copyright and meaning making; critical media literacy and social representations in mass media, popular culture and literature. Her interdisciplinary work has appeared in top-ranking journals, including English Education, Teachers College Record, Journal of Research in Childhood Education, Assessing Writing, Critical Inquiry in Language Studies, Disability Studies Quarterly; Journal of Academic Ethics, and Journal of Technology and Literacy. Recently, Dr. McGrail (and her colleagues) have been recognized with the Richard A. Meade Award for Research in English Education by the English Language Arts Teacher Educators (ELATE) of NCTE and The Debut Faculty Paper Award in the Law and Policy Division fromthe Association for Education in Journalism and Mass Communication (AEJMC)She is a co-founder and editor of a multi-disciplinary international multimodal online journal, Ubiquity: The Journal of Literature, Literacy and the Arts that publishes thought-provoking research, analyses of practice and creative work from urban, rural and international perspectives and contexts.

J. Patrick McGrail | U.S.A.

Dr. J. Patrick McGrail is Professor of Communication and Broadcasting at Jacksonville State University. He teaches electronic news, communication theory, media literacy, and video and film production. Prior to his career in academia, McGrail worked in television and radio as an actor and director. He has a research program in copyright and media literacy, has a keen interest in poetry and music production, and holds a number of musical copyrights. He published in Rehabilitation Psychology, Disability Studies Quarterly; Journal of Academic Ethics, Interdisciplinary Literary Studies, Innovate, Education and Information Technologies, and Journal of Technology and Literacy, among others. He is a co-recipient of The Debut Faculty Paper Award in the Law and Policy Division fromthe Association for Education in Journalism and Mass Communication (AEJMC), The Distinguished Research in Teacher Education Award from the Georgia Association of Teacher Educators  (GATE), the Faculty Research Award and the National Academy of Television Arts and Sciences (NATAS) Award – Best Musical Recording, Music Video, “Jacque Tara Washington and Friends” – the video also appeared on Black Entertainment Television (BET) Network. He has been quoted extensively in politics and television for national media such as The Chronicle of Higher Education and USA Today.

Clarice M. Moran | U.S.A.

is an Associate Professor of English Education at Appalachian State University in Boone, North Carolina, and the site director of the Appalachian Mountains Writing Project. Her research interests include technology integration in English language arts, teacher education, and writing pedagogy. She has published four books: Next-Level Grammar for a Digital Age (Routledge), Augmented and Virtual Reality in English Language Arts Education (Rowman & Littlefield), Affordances and Constraints of Mobile Phones in English Language Arts (IGI Global), and Applying the Flipped Classroom Model to English Language Arts Education (IGI Global). Dr. Moran is a frequent presenter at national and regional conferences. She has also published articles in a variety of journals, including English Education, the Journal of Technology and Teacher Education, the English Journal, and Contemporary Issues in Technology and Teacher Education. She is committed to helping her students develop into successful teachers and to using technology to support writing instruction.


W. Ian O’Byrne | U.S.A.

W. Ian O’Byrne, PhD is an associate professor of literacy education at the College of Charleston in South Carolina. His research focuses on the dispositions and literacy practices of individuals as they read, write, and communicate in online and/or hybrid spaces. O’Byrne is the author of many journal articles and book chapters focusing on initiatives ranging from online and hybrid coursework, integrating technology in the classroom, ePortfolio systems, and supporting marginalized students in literacy practices. Ian is a former middle school and high school English Language Arts teacher. His work can be found on his website ( His weekly newsletter ( focuses on the intersections between technology, education, and literacy.

Mary F. Rice | U.S.A.

Mary Rice is an Associate Professor of literacy in the department of language literacy and sociocultural studies at the University of New Mexico. Her research and teaching critique relational aspects of designing and doing digital learning. She was awarded an Emerging Scholar fellowship by the Online Learning Consortium (2018), the Divergent Award for Research Excellence by the Initiative for Literacy in a Digital Age (2021), and the National Technology Leadership Initiative Award by the Society for Information Technology in Education (SITE) (2023). Mary is the managing editor of Online Learning and Editor-in-chief of the Journal of Online Learning Research. 

Isis Ferreira Cunha | Brasil

Graduated in vernacular letters with Spanish language from the Federal University of Bahia (UFBA), she participated as a Scientific Initiation scholarship in the Popular Literature Studies and Research Program (PEPLP) at UFBA, specialist in Higher Education Teaching from the Salvador University (UNIFACS). Specialist in Spanish Translation – Estácio. She was a substitute professor at the Federal Institute of Bahia – Campus Jacobina 2019-2021. She has experience in teaching Spanish and Portuguese to foreign people. She did researches in Literature/Popular Culture, education in the area of ​​teacher training and public policies.

Amparo Galdames Fermandois | Chile
UNESCO Chair Sub-Headquarters Coordinator for Reading and Writing, Universidad del Desarrollo, Chile. PhD student in Psychology from the Pontifical Catholic University of Chile; and Master in Applied Linguistics from the Pontifical Catholic University of Valparaíso (PUCV). Spanish and communication teacher and graduate in Hispanic Language and Literature from the PUCV. Since her master’s degree, she has gone for the construction of interdisciplinary lines that integrate reading and writing based on the consideration of affectivity in the teaching-learning process. In university teaching, she has participated in transversal training programs, contributing to the development of linguistic skills in engineering, pedagogy, law and language careers at prestigious universities in the country. Currently, she is an academic and coordinator of the Language Area of ​​the Faculty of Education of the Universidad del Desarrollo. From this university, she coordinates the Sub-Headquarters of the UNESCO Chair of the University and the Chilean Outdoor Education Network.

Pilar Gómez Mondino | Spain

PhD student at the University of Cantabria.
Master in communication and online education (UNED) Master in secondary education teaching: specialty in educational guidance (UNIR) Bachelor in Pedagogy (UNED) Diploma in Social Education (UNED).
Professor at the Kostka-Jesuitas de Santander School in the Guidance Unit and teacher of attention to diversity.
Professor at the Antonio de Nebrija University in the ICT Master, in the line of development of digital and media competence in teachers, as well as trends and innovation in education.
Tutor teacher in various Degrees of the Faculty of Education and Psychology at the UNED-Cantabria.
Member of the Algoralfa Research Group.
Academic Secretary of the Mario Kaplún Chair in Educommunication “Today is tomorrow” at CIESPAL.

Manuel Álvarez Rufs | Spain

Social educator for the care program for people seeking international protection and refugees at the Spanish Red Cross Migration Center in Puente Genil, responsible for the development of basic and advanced digital competence courses. Reference for International Cooperation, expert in Migration, Interculturality and Humanitarian Diplomacy.
Academic secretary of the Mario Kaplún Chair of Educommunication “Today is tomorrow” of CIESPAL. Professor in Master of Transmedia Journalism at UNED and Agencia EFE.
Qualified in Social Education (UNED). Master’s Degree in Online Communication and Education (UNED). Final Project in Accessibility and Digital Inclusion: “State of the Art: Post-Truth and Fake News”. Doctoral student in Sociology, Social Change in Contemporary Societies (UNED). Doctoral Thesis: “The Algorithms of Control Societies: Post-truth, Public Opinion and Behavioral Modification”. Data Science Specialist, “IBM Data Science”. Investigate the relationships between algorithms and human beings. Author of several chapters in books related to artificial intelligence systems based on algorithms.

Inés Aparici | Argentina

Inés Aparici is a teacher and a physician. She was born in Quilmes, province of Buenos Aires and there was educated at the Escuela Normal Superior. In 1976 she met Paulo Freire, an author banned for her generation, through her teacher Nélida Marelli, while being trained as a teacher. Inés graduated as a physician at the National University of La Plata, she specialized in Pathology and Legal Medicine, she has a diploma in Science Teaching (FLACSO) and in 2020 she specialized in Science Education (UdeSA). She has completed training in Bioethics
(FLACSO). She has been a fellow in the study of cancer in Japan and in Forensic Anthropology with the Argentine Forensic Anthropology Team (EAAF), with which she collaborates as an external consultant.
Since 1977 she has worked successively as a primary, secondary, adult teacher (university, postgraduate and non- t 12 years.

Carlos Busón Buesa | Brasil

Lucilene Machado Garcia Arf | Brasil

Rose Mara Pinheiro | Brasil

Mickey Huff

Is a Professor of Social Science, History, and Journalism, Co-chair oh the History Department; Chair of the Journalism Department at DVC, and faculty member of DVC’s Civic Engagement Committee and the Social Science Division Convener. He is also Director of Project Censored; President of the Media Freedom Foundation; and the Executive Producer and founding co-host of The Project Censored Show, a weekly syndicated public affairs program on Pacifica Radio that airs on over 50 stations around the US. His most recent publications (co-authored and co-edited books) include Project Censored’s State of the Free Press 2023; Let’s Agree to Disagree: A Critical Thinking Guide to Communication, Conflict Management, and Critical Media Literacy; The Media and Me: A Guide to Critical Media Literacy for Young People; and United States of Distraction. Huff is also a co-founding Publisher/Editor at The Censored Press. He’s been a member of the DVC faculty since 2000.